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    Social Responsibility

    Our Key words for a sustainable future are:

    • Job opportunities
    • Fight against poverty
    • Social inclusion
    • Long-term environmental sustainability

    Creating Job Opportunities & Defeating Poverty

    We strongly believe that we can do something for all those people who keep on arriving to Italy from Africa, … and many other countries endangering their lives, through a sustainable development project that shall give them the opportunity to create their own business in their country of origin.

    Our project aims to offer training and apprenticeship to become cook, pastry/ice cream and pizza chef, bartender, baker. On completion of the course (organized on study, practice and managerial skills development) a team of experts will support the apprentice starting off his own business and will provide advice in the mid-term in order to make sure the business is successful. Evidently, we only work in countries where peace and stability is ensured.

    Economic studies assess that for each emigrant returning to his country of origin, at least five job opportunities are generated. A huge impact on families and communities. Creating job opportunities is the most powerful tool to defeat poverty and the exceptional crisis due to COVID 19 pandemic should teach us to be more supportive.

    Helping Africa helps Italy.

    Once the business is started the former apprentice, by all means is a “Made in Italy” Messenger. He has to stick to a business plan which has been made during his training period in Italy.  To this end, we involve foreign Embassies in Italy, local experts in tax matters and rules and regulations on safety and hygiene matters.

    Furthermore, our highly experienced suppliers provide us with the best Made in Italy kitchen equipment (ovens, ….) for our training courses. We commit to them by making sure that their equipment is purchased and shipped when a new business starts off.    before  for the start-up of the business will be made in Italy. All our suppliers have agreed to sell at cost for solidarity purposes.
    We also wish to select young and qualified Italian candidates to assist our foreign apprentices during start-up. Expenses are covered by us.

    Do you wish to BE COMMITTED to a changing world?

    Patronize an apprentice!